Australian Network of Catholic Mental Health Care Professionals
Founded in 2022 under the patronage of St Raphael (archangel and patron saint for healing), the Raphael Network is an informal association that brings together Catholic mental health practitioners and supporters who serves people seeking restoration in body, mind, and spirit.
Vision and Mission
The Raphael Network has a vision for the development of an intentional Catholic Standard of Mental Health Care.
We believe that a Catholic Standard for Mental Health Care will be one that has as its source and summit in the Revelation of God in Jesus Christ (John 14:6), and what this reveals to us about what it means to be human: “Christ the new Adam, in the very revelation of the mystery of the Father and of his love, fully reveals man to himself and brings to light his most high calling” (Redemptor Hominis, 8).
Drawing upon the psychological sciences, and the spiritual and pastoral care tradition of the Church, the Network seeks to encourage the application of mental health therapy and care that fully supports this vision for human flourishing.
It supports this vision through:
- The provision of opportunities for mental health care practitioners to network and receive peer supervision and support;
- The provision of professional development and formation towards the theory and practice of an intentional Catholic Standard of Mental Health Care.
In this context, we believe in the importance of the collective to live out our vocational calling in virtue and professionalism, and we ground ourselves in the magisterial teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.
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2023 Calendar
(Times in AEST/AEDT)