26 couples attended the SmartLoving Marriage Seminar in March 2013

Hosted at: Holy Cross Parish, Kincumber


  • Michael & Tricia Casey
  • Peter & Fiona Foley
  • John & Anne Keogh
  • Alison & Steven Hoolahan
  • Fr. Jim Mckeon

Couples Testimonials


“Thank you, thank you, thank you! We were nourished spiritually, physically and emotionally. Thank you for the delicious food (especially Julie, Peter & Fr Jim), thank you for the invaluable insights and stories (especially Tricia, Michael, John and Anne) and thank you Jim (the spirit literally flows from you).”


“This weekend provided us both with the tools to be open and honest and to knock down our walls through true forgiveness and love. We are so excited to continue this and enjoy our marriage with the right focus- us! It will help us as role models, as parents, as friends and as spouses. We are firm believers and advocates of MRC programs. I am still blown away by the incredible impact provided by a proven program. The power of the Holy Spirit is so strong and this is due to having committed Christians dedicating their time for the glory of god. Thank you!”


“It has provided us with tools to overcome any further hurdles we encounter. We had thought we were strong already, but this weekend has really educated us on our marriage, and marriage in general. We take away a renewed sense of strength.”


“The seminar gave us valuable information on: understanding formation, developing intimacy, spirituality of sex and faith. Excellent.”


“The presenters were fantastic. Trish and Michael – enthusiasm and commitment was evident. I liked the fact that it was between the couple. I get conscious about public speaking and was relieved that this was very limited. Thank you! I got more than I expected to out of the weekend.”


“I liked the fact that the discussion was with my wife and not a group discussion. I enjoyed and appreciated the examples given by Michael and Tricia. The Seminar has given us some tools and mechanisms to explore our issues. It has given us some time to focus on the positives.”


“The weekend allowed us to re-focused our marriage in a positive direction. It has given us tools to overcome or address issues that come up from time to time. It has helped us to understand each other better and has given us hope to become a better couple, to enable us to live a more fulfilled life and perhaps even influence those around us.”


“A refresher for our marriage. It has been a chance to minister and inspire other couples.”


“It was of great benefit. We have been married for many years; first time around and to be honest it has been a steep learning curve. Your frank, delightful example speakers were inspirational. Excellent presentations. We are closer than we have ever been.  It was life changing.”


“It has given both of us the opportunity to review and to refresh and to consider and contemplate issues we would otherwise not have visited.”


“Thank you for your giving of time, experience, love and encouragement.”


“It has helped us to talk about ourselves at a deeper level than we would ever do. Assisted in naming feelings and in addressing how we might be affected by them”
