Maybe ‘I do’

Maybe 'I do'

A Review of Maybe ‘I Do’.

Authored by Kevin Andrews | Connor Court, 2012

Reviewed by Bill Muehlenberg | Culture Watch

It is rather odd to have to pen a lengthy tome defending marriage and family; but then again, we live in rather odd times. The historical and universal institutions were always assumed, enjoyed and celebrated. But of late they have come under unprecedented attack, so a defence is needed, and Kevin Andrews does that admirably here.

Anyone following the social science data of the past half century knows the tremendous value marriage has on couples, on societies, and on children. There is such a mountain of research now on the tremendous goods of heterosexual marriage that it is a full-time job just to keep up with it all. But that is just what Andrews has done here.

With nearly 1600 footnotes in a book nearly 600 pages long, this is a great compendium of what the data is telling us about ideal family structure, the significance of heterosexual marriage, and the way we can ensure the optimal wellbeing of our children.

As he notes, “The tragedy of the retreat from marriage is not the billions of dollars it costs each year: it is the personal and emotional trauma which research increasingly indicates affects many children, even into their adulthood; and the consequent diminution of health, educational opportunities, and well-being, including the stability of relationships of children whose parents divorced.”

The first of his four main sections does just this: it examines the wealth of data we have on the overwhelming importance of marriage for all concerned. Again, those who have been following this research will not discover much new information here, but it is nice to have it so well packaged together like this.

He summarises this massive amount of data this way: “Over four decades of social science research across western nations confirms one clear and unambiguous conclusion: A healthy marriage is the best source of physical and mental health, emotional stability, and prosperity for adults and children. It is also the best bet for attaining happiness and fulfilment.”

The second part of the book looks at how the retreat from marriage occurred, and what are some of the factors leading to the weakening and undermining of this institution. Plenty of variables feature here, including an overemphasis on individualism, a culture of rights, increasing materialism, changing labor force participation, social and legislative changes, and a harmful divorce culture. … read the full review: here

Links to other Articles by Kevin Andrews, MP

Deconstructing the Family | Quandrant

We Mustn’t be too Quick to Run from Marriage | The Punch

Married to the Future | PDF | Published in the Australian

Think of the Children | PDF | Published in the Herald Sun

Order your copy of Maybe ‘I do’

Connor Court Publishing: here

By |2017-06-20T16:02:54+10:00November 1st, 2012|Marriage, Marriage Educator Tips|Comments Off on Maybe ‘I do’

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