Ryan Messmore
Ryan MessmoreExecutive Director of the Millis Institute.

Dr Ryan Messmore

Dr Ryan Messmore is the founding Executive Director of the Millis Institute.

Before moving to Brisbane, Dr Messmore served as President of Campion College, a liberal arts college in Sydney. He has also served as a research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, the largest research and education institution (a.k.a. “think tank”) in Washington, DC. His research and writing examined how religious commitments are brought to bear on political life to improve public discourse and strengthen civil society.

At Heritage, Messmore served as lead writer of a DVD-based curriculum called “Seek Social Justice: Transforming Lives in Need.” His commentary and analysis have appeared in major newspapers such as The Washington Times and The Australian, online venues such as Crosswalk.com and FOXNews.com, and in national magazines such as First Things, Touchstone, and Comment.

Messmore was also founding Director of Trinity Forum Academy in Royal Oak, MD. The program, which he designed and oversaw from 2001-2006, offers recent college graduates a nine-month residential program of advanced course work in theology and cultural engagement.

Messmore received his bachelor’s degree in public policy and religion from Duke University. He holds master’s degrees in theology and Christian ethics from Duke Divinity School and Cambridge University. He received his doctorate in political theology from Oxford University.

In 2012 Messmore delivered the Acton Lecture in Sydney on Religious Freedom.

He currently resides with his wife and three children in Brisbane.

Ryan will address the conference on the topic of his recent book, ‘In Love’, an exploration of the biblical betrothal practice as it illuminates the mission of Christ.

Research Interests