Have the courage to marry, start a family, pope tells youths in Assisi

Cindy Wooden

Catholic News Service – Read more: here

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In societies that trumpet individual rights, see everything as fleeting and see no value in sticking to something that’s difficult, deciding to get married today takes courage, Pope Francis told young people in Assisi.

“Don’t be afraid of taking definitive steps, like that of marriage,” the pope told thousands of young adults and teenagers who flocked to see him Oct. 4 in the square outside Assisi’s Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels.

When the pope went back outside to begin his meeting with the youths, some of them asked questions about marriage, about discerning a vocation, about evangelization and about making the world more just.

Although Pope Francis already had been in Assisi 10 hours and had celebrated Mass and given five speeches, he energetically ad-libbed and had the crowd roaring with laughter when he told the story of a woman who said her son was in his 30s, had a girlfriend, but wouldn’t get married.

“I told her, ‘Ma’am, stop ironing his shirts,'” the pope said.

But Pope Francis took the question about marriage and family life very seriously, telling the young people that Christian marriage is a “real vocation, just like priesthood and religious life are. Two Christians who marry each other have recognized in their love story the Lord’s call, the vocation to form one flesh, one life from the two, male and female.”

“It takes courage to start a family,” he said, and the modern world not only doesn’t help, it seems to put obstacles in the way, “privileging individual rights rather than the family” and trying to convince everyone that relationships should last only as long as there are no difficulties.

Pope Francis said his parents and the young people’s grandparents and great-grandparents married in very different times. Economically, they faced many more challenges and even war, but they had the “certainty that the Lord was with them, that their family was blessed by God with the sacrament of matrimony and that their mission of bringing children into the world and raising them also was blessed.”

While God inscribed the vocation of marriage in human nature, the pope said, “celibacy or virginity for the kingdom of heaven” is a complementary vocation and “is the vocation Jesus himself lived.”

Priesthood and religious life do require giving up the possibility of marrying and having children, he said, “but virginity for the kingdom of God is not a ‘no,’ it’s a ‘yes,'” it is a total response to God’s call.

Pope Francis said the only way a person can hear God’s voice and discern a vocation is by praying regularly.

Read more: here