A Fertile Heart: Giving and Receiving Creative Love

By |2020-10-08T13:42:50+11:00February 29th, 2020|Children (Remote Formation), Empowerment (Training & Leadership), High School, Parents, Primary School|

A Fertile Heart is a faith inspired programme of study that offers schools, especially those with a strong Christian identity, a new way of approaching personal, social and moral development that invites teachers and pupils to explore together the big questions of life; — what does it means to be human; why does sexual difference matter and what lies at the heart of authentic personal dignity? The content reinforces universal values of personal development, growth in character, mutual respect, love and patience and thus compliments good Religious education as well as parochial catechesis of the young for the sacraments of initiation. It aims to contribute to the challenge laid before us by Pope Francis that there be an “Education in Hope” (Amoris Laetitia) within which a sound response to the need for wholesome sexuality education can take shape.

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