Restore the Glory Podcast

By |2022-02-16T14:30:09+11:00February 16th, 2022|Empowerment (Training & Leadership), Professional, Resource|

A Podcast About The Healing And Restoration Of Our God-Given Glory. Dr. Bob Schuchts & Jake Khym, MA are Catholic therapists with over 50 years combined experience teaching and accompanying people into fuller life and freedom. They met about 12 years ago and quickly realized they were kindred spirits with a similar understanding of the value of an integrated approach to the healing journey. They both understand the keys for people to experience and live a restored life. Currently, Bob and Jake have their own ministries and are delighted to collaborate on events and conferences. They hope the Restore The Glory Podcast will be an accessible way for people to hear the good news of freedom that is available in and through Jesus Christ.

Sycamore – Growing in Faith Together for Engaged and Married Couples

By |2021-12-14T12:02:15+11:00December 14th, 2021|Engaged, Engaged (Proximate Formation), Married, Married couples (Enrichment Formation), Newlywed|

For engaged couples who have completed their marriage preparation course and want to continue exploring their faith together, and for married couples to enrich their friendship and love. Four sessions about happiness, prayer, the Mass, and the meaning of love. With special discussion questions that allow couples to share and reflect together. This new Sycamore course has been designed to help couples reflect together on the deeper questions of life and on their love, in light of the Christian faith. How can couples achieve lifelong happiness and a sense of balance in their lives? How can they learn to pray together and support each other spiritually? How does God call couples to live out their faith in the family and society? This 4-week course is recommended first of all for engaged couples who have completed their formal marriage preparation, and married couples seeking to build and develop their relationship. The course is not a marriage preparation programme, and it does not directly explore the meaning of the sacrament of matrimony, but it can supplement or follow on from marriage programmes that are already taking place.

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On the spiritual value of a temporary fast from the Holy Eucharist

By |2020-05-13T10:11:59+10:00April 29th, 2020|Articles, Marriage SOS, Mixed faith marriage, Theology of the Body|

by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger: Do we not often take the reception of the Blessed Sacrament too lightly? Might not this kind

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