My Plenary Care Pack arrived today. Prayer space resources, a headset, and snack boxes. It’s a thoughtful gesture and I am grateful for it.
Conspicuous by its absence is a print copy of the Instrumentum Laboris – the principal document that will guide discussion. Although it has been digitally available for many months, had we met in-person I would have expected it to be part of the delegate materials.
Hopefully, all delegates in lock-down will have access to a printer, as thumbing a 70-page document on screen is challenging, especially so during a video conference.

Prayer space resources… not sure what the candies are for… never used these in prayer before.

Headphones! So we can ‘listen to the Spirit’ properly! 🙂

Snacks – for afternoon tea. Snacks for late nights…. Sleep is not on the agenda for this week!