Live the Love: Mom-Daughter Fertility Education

By |2021-08-10T14:39:11+10:00August 10th, 2021|Children (Remote Formation), High School, Primary School, Young Adult, Young Adults (Remote Formation)|

Mothers are in a special position to engage their daughters about the gift of their fertility. Our Mother Daughter Program lets you choose the path and courses you feel would be the best to communicate with your daughter about this important subject. We have content for three different age groups: • 9-12 year olds • 13-15 year olds • and 15 -18 year olds Moms and daughters can watch the videos together about the basics of the fertility cycle and other subjects. Check out the curriculum and format on the website to see if this is a right fit for you!

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SmartLoving Fertility

By |2019-05-27T10:10:23+10:00May 24th, 2019|Engaged, Engaged (Proximate Formation), Marriage Support, Married, Married couples (Enrichment Formation), Newlywed, Parents, Young Adult, Young Adults (Remote Formation)|

An online course that explores the basics of human fertility and the application of fertility awareness for family planning. Based on the Sympto-thermal method, the course includes printable charts and step-by-step instruction for those wishing to learn and apply the method. The course also includes couple activities so that husband and wife can explore their thoughts and emotions as they progress. A unique feature of SmartLoving Fertility is the 'Couple Check In' - a guided process to assist couples in discerning their pregnancy intention based on Humanae Vitae n10.

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