Formation for Married Couples
Grandparents Resources
This printable PDF is a perfect handout for celebrating Grandparents, particularly on the feast of Sts Joachim and Anne (July 26). It is addressed principally to grandparents. Other articles and support materials are also available.
Marriage Matters with Paul Shogren
A series of video interviews hosted by the Catholic Leader in Brisbane, featuring Canon Lawyer Paul Shogren. Paul unpacks such topics as: What is the difference between a Sacramental and a civil marriage? What exactly is an annulment? What is the process required to have a marriage annulled? Is a divorced person excommunicated from the Church? Can a divorced person who does not remarry or start a new relationship receive Communion?
Holier Matrimony
Weekly blog posts offer marriage challenges, bios of married saints, advice from modern couples, and Church teaching on marriage mad our marital vows!
SmartLoving BreakThrough
SmartLoving BreakThrough is a short online course that helps spouses better understand how conflict happens in a relationship. It leads them through a process of forgiveness so that they can be less reactive and more intentional in their marriage and equips them with simple strategies to improve their situation. Also available as a facilitators resource to run live workshops (approx 3 hours).
Mini Marriage Course
Dr. Greg Bottaro offers couples a dose of what can help their marriage by integrating Catholic theology and spirituality with psychological research and his clinical experience with marriage therapy. The course is free and is delivered over the web. It consist of approximately 1 hour of footage on topics such as the deeper meaning of sacramental marriage vows, love languages, Gottman insights on the 4 horseman and how to argue effectively and the differences between men and women and how this impacts marriage.
Beloved Series – Finding Happiness in Marriage
Beloved is a 12 part series that provides a rich exploration of the Church's teaching on marriage and the family along with testimonies from a number of couples that highlights the practical embodiment of the teaching. This is a high quality production that also captures the thinking of some of the top US based lay experts on marriage and the family. It can be purchased in a DVD format or through a video on demand service called FORMED. Each episode has an accompanying study guide for engaged or marriage couples.
Better Together Marriage Inventory
Great communication is essential to having a great marriage. This marriage prep/enrichment inventory is a FREE questionnaire designed to celebrate strengths and highlight opportunities for growth between couples. Dynamic Catholic have partnered with Catholic psychologist Dr. Gregory Bottaro, director of The CatholicPsych Institute, to develop the inventory that encourages couples to talk about important topics to help them connect on a deeper level as they review their answers together.
CathFamily (Making the Home the Heart of the Church) is a database of free resources including prayers, rituals, crafts, recipes, and articles for use by parents and teachers to build a Catholic culture in the home and class room. It has a strong emphasis on relationships and the Theology of the Body informs its relationship resources. The eNews (free) is issued each week and indexes the relevant items for that week according to the church season.
SmartLoving Fertility
An online course that explores the basics of human fertility and the application of fertility awareness for family planning. Based on the Sympto-thermal method, the course includes printable charts and step-by-step instruction for those wishing to learn and apply the method. The course also includes couple activities so that husband and wife can explore their thoughts and emotions as they progress. A unique feature of SmartLoving Fertility is the 'Couple Check In' - a guided process to assist couples in discerning their pregnancy intention based on Humanae Vitae n10.
Marriage without men!
I was sitting in mass one Sunday in the summer of 2003, with me were my wife and 4
Breaking Through
Every marriage goes through seasons - seasons of delight and seasons of heartache.Sometimes, those dark seasons are simple missteps that
Marriage at the Movies
Recent research that was picked up in the New York Times and multiple other media outlets has shown that