Article Directory2023-07-13T15:59:50+10:00

Article Directory

SmartLoving Newlywed Date Nites Program

By |August 10th, 2021|Married, Married couples (Enrichment Formation), Newlywed|

Emails dispatched every two weeks for a year, SmartLoving Newlywed Date Nites is brimming with inspiration, tips and practical tools. This includes some individual reflection questions, instructions for sharing together and something to do during the week.

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Live the Love: Mom-Daughter Fertility Education

By |August 10th, 2021|Children (Remote Formation), High School, Primary School, Young Adult, Young Adults (Remote Formation)|

Mothers are in a special position to engage their daughters about the gift of their fertility. Our Mother Daughter Program lets you choose the path and courses you feel would be the best to communicate with your daughter about this important subject. We have content for three different age groups: • 9-12 year olds • 13-15 year olds • and 15 -18 year olds Moms and daughters can watch the videos together about the basics of the fertility cycle and other subjects. Check out the curriculum and format on the website to see if this is a right fit for you!

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World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2021

By |June 25th, 2021|Grandparents, Married couples (Enrichment Formation), Mature Aged|

A collection of print and multimedia resources, including a video featuring Pope Francis, for use by parishes, schools, dioceses and others seeking to honour grandparents and the elderly during the World Day July 26.

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Charism Survey

By |March 23rd, 2021|Dating, Empowerment (Training & Leadership), Engaged, Grandparents, High School, Married, Mature Aged, Newlywed, Parents, Professional, Young Adult|

This Survey helps identify your charisms. Take the Survey Discover what gifts you may have already received from God. This is a free survey for self-discovery and you cannot fail. It takes most people about 10-15 minutes to answer the questions. What Is a Charism? Charisms are gifts of the Holy Spirit given in the Sacrament of Baptism. Knowing how you have been gifted can help you to activate the power of God in your life and help you take part in the mission of the Church. What do the results mean? Learn more about baptism, service, mission, and how to decipher your survey results. Learn about what will you can do with the results and what it means to be equipped for mission.

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Marriage Matters with Paul Shogren

By |March 16th, 2021|Empowerment (Training & Leadership), Marriage Support, Married, Married couples (Enrichment Formation), Mature Aged, Newlywed|

A series of video interviews hosted by the Catholic Leader in Brisbane, featuring Canon Lawyer Paul Shogren. Paul unpacks such topics as: What is the difference between a Sacramental and a civil marriage? What exactly is an annulment? What is the process required to have a marriage annulled? Is a divorced person excommunicated from the Church? Can a divorced person who does not remarry or start a new relationship receive Communion?

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Being Human Podcast

By |March 12th, 2021|Empowerment (Training & Leadership), Empty Nesters, Grandparents, Marriage Support, Married, Mature Aged, Newlywed, Other, Parents, Professional, Young Adult|

Welcome to The Being Human Podcast. At the CatholicPsych Institute, we're doing something new when it comes to therapy. In the Being Human podcast, Dr. Greg Bottaro offers a glimpse into a totally reinvented model of therapy. Come behind the scenes and experience Dr. Greg's vision for Catholic therapy as he introduces a revolutionary approach that is finally focused on what it means to be human.

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Dynamic Men’s Ministry in every Parish and Diocese in Australia

By |August 14th, 2020|Plenary Council|

By Mr. Robert Falzon Founding Director | menALIVE 1: Your Apostolate menALIVE has a spirit of brotherhood, inspired by the Holy Spirit. This spirit is the gift that responds to

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Counter Cultural Teaching on chastity, lifelong marriage & the gift of fertility.

By |August 4th, 2020|Plenary Council|

By Mrs. karin abrams Co ordinator of Marriage Education, Support and Enrichment | Life Marriage and Family Office in the Diocese of Parramatta 1: Your Apostolate I am coordinator

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An Intentional Focus on building a Culture of Affirming Marriage in the Parish Community

By |August 3rd, 2020|Plenary Council|

By Mr. Steven Buhagiar Team Leader | Life, Family, and Marriage Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney 1: Your Apostolate Steven Buhagiar and Chris Da Silva - We are the Life,

The Interdependence of the “social sacraments” in the Church.

By |July 23rd, 2020|Articles, Plenary Council|

By Mrs. Helen Wursthorn Recent past Australian Leadership couple (2015-2019) | Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) 1: Your Apostolate The movement we represent is Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Our ministry is

Dealing with Brokenness in Marriage – Church Universal

By |June 10th, 2020|Marriage|

In Marriage are there irreconcilable differences? If there seems to be irreconcilable differences, what should the couple do about it? Byron and Francine Pirola will answer those questions in

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Bishop Barron on the Role of the Laity

By |May 19th, 2020|Articles, Marriage, Marriage in Society, Theology of Marriage|

In this short commentary, Bishop Barron challenges some of the popular assumptions about the role of the laity. Referencing extensively the Vatican II documents, he brings clarity and insight

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