Article Directory
The hour of the domestic church is now
At this time of home sheltering where public Masses and church gatherings of all kinds have been shut down, a deeper appreciation of the domestic church is emerging. Teresa
On the spiritual value of a temporary fast from the Holy Eucharist
by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger: Do we not often take the reception of the Blessed Sacrament too lightly? Might not this kind of spiritual fasting be of service, or even
70-Minute Holy Week Mission
"A Holy Week Meditation on the Passion, Death & Resurrection Like You've Never Heard Before" Few of us have heard the Passion of the Lord presented as so many
Relationships Education: There’s a better way
From September 2020, schools in the United Kingdom will have to teach a new curriculum: Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education. Edmund Adamus, Education Consultant
A Fertile Heart: Giving and Receiving Creative Love
A Fertile Heart is a faith inspired programme of study that offers schools, especially those with a strong Christian identity, a new way of approaching personal, social and moral development that invites teachers and pupils to explore together the big questions of life; — what does it means to be human; why does sexual difference matter and what lies at the heart of authentic personal dignity? The content reinforces universal values of personal development, growth in character, mutual respect, love and patience and thus compliments good Religious education as well as parochial catechesis of the young for the sacraments of initiation. It aims to contribute to the challenge laid before us by Pope Francis that there be an “Education in Hope” (Amoris Laetitia) within which a sound response to the need for wholesome sexuality education can take shape.
Couples on Mission
In the Acts of the Apostles, which details many events of the apostles in the early days of the Church, an interesting married couple appears: Priscilla and Aquila. Jews resident
Marriage Matters at This Catholic Life Podcast
"Welcome to ‘This Catholic Life’, conversations about life’s ups and downs, big and small; how we deal with every situation imaginable, whatever life throws at us, but still manage
What Does the Bible Say About Sex?
Ever wonder what the Bible says about sex? Some people say not so much. Au contraire! In this video, Christopher West breaks down how sex, properly understood, gives
Marriage and Human Identity
ROM19: Watch Katrina Zeno as she explores human id entity and calling in the lens of nuptial theology. John Shay, in the 'The Quiet Evolution in Sex Ed' breaks
After God, the Greatest Love is Marriage
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP delivers his keynote speech at the Renaissance of Marriage Conference 2019. Ordained a priest of the Dominican Order in 1991, Archbishop Fisher achieved a Doctorate
The Protection of Marriage and The Pastoral Care of Suffering Couples Audience to the participants in the course promoted by the Tribunal of the Roman Rota | November 30,2019 This morning, the Holy Father Francis received in audience, in
The Crucial Importance of Catholic Marriage
Bishop Julian Porteous, Archbishop of Hobart, addresses the concerning trend of people opting away from the sacrament of marriage, and a need to minister and promote "intentional Catholic family
Explore: Sharing our Marriage Treasure with Young People
Pope Francis said: “Marriage is a symbol of life, real life: it is not fiction. It is the Sacrament of the love of Christ and the Church.” (14/09/14) The
Practicing Emotional First Aid
In this TED talk, psychologist Guy Winch makes the case for practicing 'emotional first aid'. He raises some interesting points, like this one: Loneliness creates a deep psychological wound, one
Love One Another
This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. John 13:34 As a father, teacher and principal; I am convinced the nothing will ever
Byron and Francine Pirola Opening Address ROM 19
Last week we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. This was the culmination of a worldwide collaborative effort to achieve what many believed was simply
Marriage educators attend ROM conference
Article written by Karin Abrams, read full article here Marriage Educators from the Diocese of Parramatta were delighted to attend the Renaissance of Marriage Conference on 26 – 27
The Body Matters Program
The Body Matters, based on St. John Paul’s life-affirming Theology of the Body (TOB), is a teaching tool intended to assist primary educators (parents) in forming their children, and to be inserted into already-existing curricula at Catholic schools and parish faith formation programs. In November 2015, TOBET’s Episcopal Advisory Board, led by Archbishop Samuel Aquila, confirmed the need to create an original, inspiring, age-appropriate TOB program. Despite common misconceptions about TOB, The Body Matters is not a “birds-and-bees” centered program. Rather, its purpose is to form children in the faith and to combat the destructive messages they absorb from the culture. While not addressing these controversial issues directly, The Body Matters program, infused with St. John Paul’s theology, will restore the dignity of the human person and form families and their children in the truths of the Catholic faith, precisely through a deeper understanding of the human BODY
SmartLoving BreakThrough
SmartLoving BreakThrough is a short online course that helps spouses better understand how conflict happens in a relationship. It leads them through a process of forgiveness so that they can be less reactive and more intentional in their marriage and equips them with simple strategies to improve their situation. Also available as a facilitators resource to run live workshops (approx 3 hours).
SmartLoving Engaged Online
A multimedia course that seamlessly integrates practical relationship skills, sacramental theology and couple testimony. Grounded in the Theology of the Body, every registration includes a coupon code to the Sponsor version of the course for a parish married couple to accompany the engaged (optional uptake). * videos with high production values * quizzes and final assessment, time and progression locks to ensure participation and monitor learning * imprimatur granted * includes access to Member articles and SmartLoving Fertility
Mini Marriage Course
Dr. Greg Bottaro offers couples a dose of what can help their marriage by integrating Catholic theology and spirituality with psychological research and his clinical experience with marriage therapy. The course is free and is delivered over the web. It consist of approximately 1 hour of footage on topics such as the deeper meaning of sacramental marriage vows, love languages, Gottman insights on the 4 horseman and how to argue effectively and the differences between men and women and how this impacts marriage.
Beloved Series – Finding Happiness in Marriage
Beloved is a 12 part series that provides a rich exploration of the Church's teaching on marriage and the family along with testimonies from a number of couples that highlights the practical embodiment of the teaching. This is a high quality production that also captures the thinking of some of the top US based lay experts on marriage and the family. It can be purchased in a DVD format or through a video on demand service called FORMED. Each episode has an accompanying study guide for engaged or marriage couples.
Better Together Marriage Inventory
Great communication is essential to having a great marriage. This marriage prep/enrichment inventory is a FREE questionnaire designed to celebrate strengths and highlight opportunities for growth between couples. Dynamic Catholic have partnered with Catholic psychologist Dr. Gregory Bottaro, director of The CatholicPsych Institute, to develop the inventory that encourages couples to talk about important topics to help them connect on a deeper level as they review their answers together.
CathFamily (Making the Home the Heart of the Church) is a database of free resources including prayers, rituals, crafts, recipes, and articles for use by parents and teachers to build a Catholic culture in the home and class room. It has a strong emphasis on relationships and the Theology of the Body informs its relationship resources. The eNews (free) is issued each week and indexes the relevant items for that week according to the church season.