Article Directory
Pope: Marriage Cannot Be Based Simply on Emotional Satisfaction
“Today marriage tends to be viewed as a form of mere emotional satisfaction that can be constructed in any way or modified at will,” the Pope said. | Full
Business Insider: The Church is Right on Contraception
It's not often that a secular publication will publish an article suggesting that the church is right anything, let alone contraception. MICHAEL BRENDAN DOUGHERTY, PASCAL-EMMANUEL GOBRY FEB 9 2012 | Original article:
Protestants, Young Marriage and Divorce
This article appeared in Natural Family News and Research Thursday, January 30, 2014 (Volume: 3 Issue: 3) | Original Article: here The News Story “More
Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
Freedom, Truth, Gift, Communion, Dignity, Love... Anastasia M. Northrop For more on Jp2 info click here Freedom, truth, gift, communion, dignity, love, person, meaning: these
Dad’s, Daughters, and her Relationships with Men
How Your Dad Determines Your Adult Relationships with Men Original Article: here Psychologists traditionally focus on the mother/child relationships and mostly ignore fathers, especially the father/daughter relationship. However, new research
Destination Weddings and other Wedding Phenomenon
A recent article on US Catholic asked the question: Should Catholics have Destination Weddings? : here The article touched on such issues as: The imposition on guests to take time
I want to be me
In this is an edited excerpt from “One Flesh” by Fr Chuck Gallagher, SJ, (Ch 2), he challenges the culture of individualism. Callenging the ‘I’ mentality It’s very fashionable
A Fresh Look at Divorce Statistics
Divorce statistics are often quoted and misquoted in the media and in conversation. Yet it's not a simple matter of percentages. A Fresh Look At Divorce Statistics: Signs Of
Seven Strategies for the Culture Wars
A thoughtful and practical article from a USA pastor who is walking the walk in the Culture Wars. Seven ways for Christians to love their neighbors even when we
The Gift and Graces of Marriage
An excerpt from the address of Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP - Ray Reid Memorial Lecture, Faith in Marriage Conference hosted by CatholicCare Social Services Parramatta and Australian Catholic
Interfaith Marriages
As mixed faith marriages increase, it is wise that we are all aware of the unique challenges they pose. Francine & Byron discuss some of the issues. "I say
Pope to Youth: Marry and start a family
Have the courage to marry, start a family, pope tells youths in Assisi Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service - Read more: here VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In societies that trumpet individual
Pornicious: White Paper from IPS
The Impact of Pornography on Children and Families IPS: Institute of Psychological Sciences A Catholic Graduate School of Psychology The following is an excerpt from
BreakThrough workshop offers hope for embattled marriages
The Marriage Resource Centre held it's BreakThrough workshop for gridlocked marriages in Pennant Hills - with great results. People in stressed or lack-lustre marriages have applauded new workshops which
One Flesh: Looking for the Way
In his book, One Flesh, published in 1980, Fr Chuck Gallagher explores the role of Matrimony in the life of the Church. The first chapter, Looking for the Way, appears
Premarital Chastity Does Not Guarantee a Perfect Marriage
Editor’s note: this article explores come of the current debate around the merits of various approaches to sex education. Have a read and make a comment – we’d love
Biology and Gender
The Biological Basis for Gender-Specific Behavior Gregg JohnsonFrom the Series: Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - | Full article: here Although our primary evidence in this chapter will come
Kincumber 2013 Marriage Seminar
26 couples attended the SmartLoving Marriage Seminar in March 2013 Hosted at: Holy Cross Parish, Kincumber Team: Michael & Tricia Casey Peter & Fiona Foley John & Anne Keogh
The Science of The Theology of the Body
The talk describes the biochemistry of attraction, sexual intercourse, pregnancy and child development. The presentation also describes how these biochemical processes are affected by casual sex, contraception, and pornography.
Sacred Sexuality: Energising the Prophetic Role of Matrimony
How does one present the wisdom of the Church to mainstream Catholics and families in today’s culture? Since the Second Vatican council, the social landscape has changed dramatically making
Gardasil Alert
Australian doctor, Deirdre Little has blown the whistle on the Human Pailloma Virus vaccine, routinely given to high school girls in Australia and throughout many developed countries. In an
Workshop Brings Hope to Stressed Marriages
Last Sunday, May 5, the Marriage Resource Centre held its new Break-Through workshop for gridlocked marriages or those who were experiencing a lack of motivation in their relationship.
Vatican looks at Interfaith Marriages
A recent study in Lebanon has prompted comment from Bishop Jean Laffitte (Seretary of the Pontifical Council of the Family) about the challenges faced by Catholics when married to
Family is Key to Faith
Mary Eberstadt discusses how the decline of Christianity in the past century is not only overstated, its reversal lies in the family. Mary Eberstadt Read the