Article Directory2023-07-13T15:59:50+10:00

Article Directory

Pope: Marriage Cannot Be Based Simply on Emotional Satisfaction

By |February 13th, 2014|Articles, Marriage, Marriage in Society|

“Today marriage tends to be viewed as a form of mere emotional satisfaction that can be constructed in any way or modified at will,” the Pope said. | Full

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Business Insider: The Church is Right on Contraception

By |February 1st, 2014|Articles, Marriage in Society|

It's not often that a secular publication will publish an article suggesting that the church is right anything, let alone contraception. MICHAEL BRENDAN DOUGHERTY, PASCAL-EMMANUEL GOBRY FEB 9 2012 | Original article:

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Dad’s, Daughters, and her Relationships with Men

By |January 17th, 2014|Articles, Children (Remote Formation), Children and Family, Marriage, Science of Relationships, Young Adults (Remote Formation)|

How Your Dad Determines Your Adult Relationships with Men Original Article: here Psychologists traditionally focus on the mother/child relationships and mostly ignore fathers, especially the father/daughter relationship. However, new research

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Destination Weddings and other Wedding Phenomenon

By |January 13th, 2014|Articles, Engaged (Proximate Formation), Marriage, Marriage Educator Tips, Marriage in Society|

A recent article on US Catholic asked the question: Should Catholics have Destination Weddings? : here The article touched on such issues as: The imposition on guests to take time

Pope to Youth: Marry and start a family

By |October 5th, 2013|Articles, Children and Family, Marriage, Young Adults (Remote Formation)|

Have the courage to marry, start a family, pope tells youths in Assisi Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service - Read more: here VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In societies that trumpet individual

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BreakThrough workshop offers hope for embattled marriages

By |August 27th, 2013|Empowerment (Training & Leadership), Marriage, Marriage Formation, Press Releases|

The Marriage Resource Centre held it's BreakThrough workshop for gridlocked marriages in Pennant Hills - with great results.   People in stressed or lack-lustre marriages have applauded new workshops which

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Premarital Chastity Does Not Guarantee a Perfect Marriage

By |July 4th, 2013|Engaged (Proximate Formation), Marriage, Marriage in Society, Theology of Marriage, Young Adults (Remote Formation)|

Editor’s note: this article explores come of the current debate around the merits of various approaches to sex education. Have a read and make a comment – we’d love

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Sacred Sexuality: Energising the Prophetic Role of Matrimony

By |May 31st, 2013|Articles, Empowerment (Training & Leadership), Marriage, Married couples (Enrichment Formation), Theology of Marriage, Theology of the Body|

How does one present the wisdom of the Church to mainstream Catholics and families in today’s culture? Since the Second Vatican council, the social landscape has changed dramatically making

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